Cognition and General Knowledge
- Math
- Number concepts such as counting, quantifying and 1-1 correspondence
- Explore spatial relationships and shapes
- Explore the process of comparing and measuring
- Explore patterning
- Science
- Use scientific inquiry skills
- Explore characteristics and physical properties of objects, living things and the earth’s environment
- Explore various forms of technology
- Social Studies
- Demonstrate knowledge of self, community, and simple geographic knowledge
- Introduced to diverse populations to promote tolerance and acceptance

Physical Development & Health
- Develop gross and fine-motor skills
- Learn about safe and healthy habits
Approaches to Learning
- Show engagement, persistence, problem-solving, curiosity and motivation and flexibility and inventiveness in thinking
- Explore various forms of art including visual, musical, expressive, dance and movement and drama
Social Emotional Development
- Regulate emotions and behaviors by managing feelings, following limits and expectations, and taking care of their own needs appropriately
- Establish and sustain positive relationships with adults and peers
- Participate cooperatively and constructively in group situations by solving social problems and balancing needs and rights of self and others
Language and Literacy
- Listen to and understand increasingly complex language by comprehending and following directions
- Use language to express thoughts and needs by expanding vocabulary, speaking clearly and using appropriate grammar
- Demonstrate some phonological awareness and knowledge of the alphabet
- Demonstrate some knowledge of print through various uses and books
- Demonstrate some emergent writing skills by writing names and other relevant text
- For ELA learners, students will retain knowledge of home language while acquiring speaking, reading and writing skills in English